Farm Direct Sourcing

We always aim to hold integrity through our creations.

We want to believe in our bread. Whenever possible, we source from the abundant local producers of the North Fork Valley with whom we are lucky to share our home. We are beyond fortunate to be in a community with many wonderful local producers. We buy directly from farmers whenever possible. 

We grow a big garden and plant loads of herbs and flowers for home and bakery use. Our farmers grow according to organic standards or better. For non-local sourcing, we buy Certified Organic whenever possible. Simply put, we try to use the highest quality ingredients we can find. This is how we live and how we work.

Some of the many local growers we are lucky to support include:

North Fork Organics - hard red wheat, white Sonora wheat, rye

Immunity Farms - Rouge de Bordeaux wheat

First Fruits Organic Farms - orchard fruits

Austin Family Farm - vegetables, berries

Cedar Springs Farm - pork

Big B’s Delicious Orchards - apples, cider

Riverside Orchards - peaches, apples

Grange Road Growers - vegetables, herbs

Thistle Whistle Farm - vegetables, herbs

Sunshine Mesa Farm - eggs

Rocky Draw Farm - spelt

Tuxedo Corn Co. - corn, wheat

Borden Farms - vegetables, herbs

Ela Family Farms - rhubarb, orchard fruits

Greg Cranson - Durum wheat

Twisted Root Organic Farm - vegetables

JuNo Farm - vegetables

Mountain Bird - chicken

Chrysalis Beer - barley, beer

Montanya Distillers - rum